Return & Exchange Policy

Unfortunately, we do not accept returns on any items. To ensure complete satisfaction, we recommend reviewing your order carefully before confirming your purchase.

Exchange Policy

We only allow exchanges in the following cases:

  1. The item received is damaged or defective.
  2. The item received is different from the one you ordered.

To qualify for an exchange:

  • The item must be in its original condition and unworn.
  • You must notify us within 48 hours of receiving your order.

Steps for Exchange:

  1. Contact us via email at [] or WhatsApp at [+965 9692 2352] with the following details:
    • Order number.
    • A brief explanation of the issue.
    • Photos of the product, if damaged or incorrect.
  2. Once approved, we will arrange for the exchange.

Important Notes:

  • Shipping fees for exchanges may apply, depending on the situation.
  • Exchanges are processed within 24 hours of receiving the returned item.
  • We do not provide refunds or accept returns for products that are the correct size but no longer wanted.

Still Have Questions?
If you have any additional questions about our return or exchange policy, feel free to contact us at [] or WhatsApp at [+965 9692 2352].

We’re always happy to assist!